New Game release: Phoenix Redux

Hello folks,

I just released an alpha version of the next game I am developing, Phoenix!

As for Donkey Kong, I am studying the original arcade game to try replicate its behaviuos as accurately as possible,

The current release is just a proof of concept but the backbone for the game is there.

At some point I will introduce the Redux version of the game, with some new levels, enemies and so on.

Please have a try at it, I am looking forward to hearing your opinion

Files 3.1 MB
Oct 29, 2019

Get Phoenix Redux


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Could someone please send me the previous version of this great game? I would like to be able to download the version

Great game, can someone help me? I would like to see the version of this game, I see that it was released in 2019 but I don't know how to get that version, it only launches the last file. Thanks for your help.